Love is tremendous, 

Love is humongous, 

Love is instantaneous,

Love is joyous,

Love is marvelous.

Oh, Yes! I have experienced love. A two way traffic that is. I have been loved endlessly. I have loved with no limits. “Are there even limits in love?” I wonder.

Love is so beautiful. The kind that resides in your heart. So deep, so sincere. The person you always feel safe around. Energized, ready to face anything and everything courageously.

I have experienced love. The one that your wishes are granted before you spit them out. The affection and care, you never wish to despair. Love. Oh Love! Should I wrap you in my soul or should I carry you as a whole? 

True love makes you feel like it is among the reasons your life is beautiful. The time you are lost in thoughts and you think of them every moment. Loving someone is most probably the best or the worst feeling because you might end up feeling motivated in their presence and sadness prevails in their absence.

“Alyah…it has been quite long since we last had our “we” time. The guests have already dispatched to their designated premises. Finish off your work fast, then we can catch up.” He started it off. 

Bonding with him was something I always looked forward to. He was imperfectly perfect. The one who I could open up about everything and maybe nothing. Just being by his side was more than enough therapy. Both emotionally and psychologically.

The moment I was miles away, his voice would rent the air calling out to me. It is not that there was nobody around to come to his beck and call but I think it was the sentimental attachment and bond he and I shared.

Have you ever had that one person who would never be at ease and peace unless you are somewhere in a corner around the house? The person who hardly stands the sight of you being shouted at for many and no reasons? Maybe that is probably why they say “Mjukuu mtamu” (A grand child is lovable😌.)

My mind has driven me back to 31st December 2017. After ups and downs of the entire year. Failures, despairs as well as success tagging along. Hectic and fun moments. 

Reading and more reading. A bookworm… not really… maybe that was not really me or maybe it was. But well… I still had to keep up the spirit of being that excellent goalkeeper.🙊The last time I took up the role against “Green Team” in the semi-final back in my high school days, I instantly developed a tomato-red face filled with some hills and depressions and a quite admirable chubby cheeks🤣. 

Phew… Amana’s hit was not really a threat for me though I knew I had to have a catch on Mulki’s😆. (Spare me, I can not recall each of my opponent player’s names. It is quite a good luck if one happened to be a classmate or maybe a very close ally😉.)

Usually, I name December, a family moment. Where I get to bond with relatives from all over space. Ok… realistically… that should be my beloved parents and my closest aunts and uncles.😊

We introverts… Well, I do open up with very very close people in my circle, that should be less than two at the most and only when the need to do so is extremely intense. So, am I really introverted? 

It was our night. There were so many things that drew me to him but his enchanting smile within his lips took the cake. Especially when he let out his words of wisdom. His voice was not really sonorous, maybe a dulcet one might do. His deep brown eyes were like polished amber in the first rays of dawn. His nose was the star of his face. He was a complete package. 

“Always have a contented heart. Be thankful for everything that gets along your path. For He knows what is best for you. You are a very strong young lady. You are my pride. And I always will be thankful for having you as part and parcel of my life.”

It was quite an emotional hour. He shared quite a bucketful of his early years. When he was a dashing handsome gentleman…Previously, when I was doing some minor accounts, I found his picture with his lady, who was, just like a flower, her beauty radiated like the morning sun.

No denial, he still looked so amazing even in his late 60’s😃. His sense of humour was rib-cracking. His paradoxical statements, innocent looks and hugs which always came in hand.

Suddenly a bodaboda was heard from a distance with “Amarulla” hitting my eardrums nearly sending them to the Celestial Being.

“Ummu-Kulthum, Feiruz, Abdul halim among a few others were a hit during our early times.”

From a distance I could hear his faint voice singing “Alf-Leila-o-leila” then followed by “Gaan-el-Hawaa.” ( Sing along with me🎤). Honestly… the serenity they bring along is on another level, don’t you think so? (though I never understand the essence of having the slow beats for the first half an hour or could be a bit less or more🤔. Do you mind enlightening me on that?)

He was a steadfast person. A motivator in doing good. An advisor and an indescribable blessing for me. We had a very intense conversation about everything without having left anything aside. 

We parted ways and he was almost retiring to bed after some good massage. “Your hands are magic🤗” (I think this is one of the things I inherited from him. Nothing soothes me like a good massotherapy. It is actually the best way of hushing me to sleep💆‍♀️.) 

It came along that two most important beings birthdays fall on the same day. They were the opening chapters of every year. It was actually the first birthday that I had to send birthday wishes and prayers to heaven. The very first that I could not stand getting to hear one of the voices which always used to bubble happily like a mountain river.

The night was lengthy and short. What I recall is helping him take ablution and staying by his side. Slowly but surely, I could note the change in his fingers. From reddish-white to purple. Without struggling, so peacefully, he united with the beloved souls in heaven too.

I could recall our last date few hours back. With so much laughter. It was a nostalgic moment.

The sooner we all realize how impermanent our lives are, the less entangled we find ourselves getting in superficial things, things that bring pain within our hearts. Allowing the thought of death to enter our minds is something that seems surreal and scary, however it provides us with true feelings and guidance. Death will eventually come, it could be today, it could be tomorrow or it could be in many years.

5 thoughts on “HOW NEW CAN A YEAR BE?”

  1. May Allah grant him the highest level of Jannah. May he re unite us all in jannah. Ameen. A very special living so caring down to earth pearl😘😘😘


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