Sometimes I think of my students,
The echo of my voice projecting in variations,
The serenity and silence filled,
Filled when I teach.

Sometimes I think of my students,
When they burst into laughter,
Smiles and cries,
Filling the air.

Sometimes I think of my students,
When they decide to let the inquisitive nature get hold of them,
When they ask none but all questions,
When they would not stop before getting what they wanted.

Sometimes I think of my students,
In the middle of a meal,
Then I remember,
The beautiful smiles, zeal and determination marked on their faces.

Sometimes I think of my students,
When they are attentive,
But in their thoughts,
Maybe, just maybe thinking of what to munch for break.

Sometimes I think of my students,
When we tend to play games,
And how my anxiety, panick attacks and restlessness,
Find their way down the drain.

Sometimes I think of my students,
Their soprano and Bess voices,
Their muteness and their noises,
Their joys and sorrows,
That we cherish and share .

Sometimes I think of my students,
And remember how tender they were,
Some few years back,
And how courageous they have become,
Send chills down my spine!
They are all grown ups.

Sometimes I think of my students,
Each embedding a uniqueness,
Standing out in all ways,
Describing the gems and rubbies they are.

Sometimes I think of my students,
Their goals and ambitions,
Their missions and Visions,
And I find myself kneeling,
Praying that the Almighty answers,
Answers all their prayers.

Sometimes I think of my students,
And I tend to fall in love more,
Trust more, treasure more,
And appreciate each blessing abundantly.

Sometimes I think of my students,
And all I see is success,
Success holding them,
Hugging and kissing them.

Sometimes I think of my students,
And I find myself saying,
Oh My Lord! These kids are gems,
Thank you for bringing me to them❤

15 thoughts on “LOVE CAN’T BE MEASURED”

  1. MashaAllah, congratulations sister

    VeryvInspiring, this brought me the clear picture of school days.
    So is my mum, who always wished she was back to class and having special time with her students.. She always talk about how peaceful she is when she is around them😍❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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