What Should I do In Quarantine?

Corona, corona, oh corona. A new theme and rhythm on our dear earth. This has been a norm and a new turn of things in the world. It’s not only for we; the innocent, oppressed with just two cents in our pockets. But, this tragedy chooses no one. Whether as a president, a prime minister, king or queen, a noble, a brahman, kshatriyas or vaishyas, a rastafarian, muslim, christian, budhist or pagan, it could knock you down without mercy.

Ignorance, Ignorance, oh Ignorance, this vice will slowly eat us up and leave no bones of ours. Corona is real, and we better realise that Protection is better than cure.

I know that this is the time that people will discover their inner talents, writers will write, bakers will bake all kinds of delicacies, artists will fill their sketches all over the house, painters will turn the house inside out with splashes of colours like rainbow in the sky. Tailors will mend all the torn clothes and make new designs, so beautiful so fine, readers will read all kinds of novels page by page mastering the words with great enthusism. And this is excellent and good. Fantastic and best.

Let us also not forget that is the time that we need to pull ourselves closer to the Almighty, because He says in the Holy Book that, “Indeed he sends no disease that lacks a cure to it” We have been complaining that time has not been on our side. Busy schedules, assignments, hanging work from job, homeworks taking your time that we rarely had the time for prayers. Time is now in our hands, we either make the best out of it or turn into beasts by wasting it.

Maybe I could share some tips on how I try to manage my time and use it effectively during this quarantine period,

  1. Prayers: this is the most fundamental objective to concentrate on. Pray- on time. I do not think there should be an excuse for this. Don’t rush it, it’s not a marathon.
  2. Increase making repentance to the Lord. Because none is perfect, none is sinless. The best among believers are those who take note of their mistakes and ask for forgiveness from their Lord.
  3. I believe that everyone has a wish of exploring some ideas a bit due to their tight schedules, it hits the wall and maybe one could not achieve what they had intended to do. This is the time, time to see if you can explore them fully. I know that for some of us, exploring new ideas in such a situation is overwhelming and others can hardly get hold of themselves. It is alright because we all have our own differences.
  4. Help where you can, social media, I believe it’s a weapon and the fastest means of delivering information far and wide. Keep on creating awareness and enlighten others about the preventive measures to take. Which are:
    • Avoiding handshakes
    • Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
    • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
    • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
    • Stay home if you feel unwell.
    • If you have a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
    • Follow the directions of your local health authority. Wear a mask.

Stay safe, take precautions, help save a life and may the Almighty grant us cure for this disease. Stay blessed.

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